
Privacy Policy


We respect your privacy, so the following provides information on the processing of personal data, cookies and technologies used on and all its sub-sites. By using the website you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We would like you to know that we care about the security of your personal data. To this end, we have adopted appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure its protection in accordance with the internal procedures we have implemented.


The Privacy Policy describes the rules for the use of cookies or other similar technologies and the rules for the processing of personal data collected during the User's use of

The administrator collects User data to the extent necessary to provide the individual services offered, as well as information about User activity on the website, including device IP, location data, Internet ID and information collected through cookies and other similar technologies. Cookies and similar technologies are not used to identify a User and their identity is not established on their basis. Cookies and similar technologies, where they do not, on their own, identify an individual, only when combined with other unique identifiers or other information that can identify that individual, may constitute personal data.


RODO - Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Website - the website at and all its sub-sites, including any services provided on the domain i.e. contact form, newsletter, comment form, etc.

User - a person who voluntarily uses the services available on the website and the profiles created on social media.

Personal data - information about an identified or identifiable natural person, in particular by means of a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person, such as device IP, location data, an online identifier and information collected through cookies and other similar technologies.

Partner - an entity with which the Administrator cooperates that provides marketing content tailored to the User or mediates the provision of such content.


The administrator of your personal data within the meaning of the RODO regulations is Neonbox Sp. z o.o., ul. Ambrożego Grabowskiego 13/7, 31-126 Kraków, Poland, NIP 6762532359, REGON 367660769, KRS 0000684634. You can contact us by sending an e-mail to:

Your personal data may be processed on the basis of:

on the basis of consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO) in order to:

  • storing data in cookies, using cookies on the blog and its sub-sites, and collecting data from
  • commenting on blog posts
  • to send a newsletter (art. 10 of the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means and art. 172 of the Telecommunications Act)
  • inform about promotions and interesting offers of the Administrator or entities recommended by the Administrator
  • Necessity to conclude and/or perform a contract or take action on a request (Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA) in order:
  • sending the offer
  • the performance of a service or a concluded contract, sending an offer at your request
  • fulfilment of a legal obligation incumbent on the Administrator (Article 6(1)(c) of the DPA) in order to:
  1. Ensure accountability and demonstrate compliance with obligations imposed on me by law, including the creation of records relating to RODO and other legislation
  2. to issue an invoice, render an invoice or fulfil other obligations under tax legislation
  3. legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO) in order to:
  4. blog management and creation of own databases
  5. operate a Facebook account under the name "Neoncube" and a LinkedIn account under the name "Neoncube" and interact with users on these social media sites
  6. to send a newsletter as direct marketing of its own products or services or of the recommended products of third parties
  7. carry out research and analysis of the website, inter alia, with a view to improving its functionality and performance, as well as satisfaction with the services offered
  8. to adapt the content displayed on the website to individual needs and to constantly improve the quality of the services offered
  9. to contact you, in particular via the contact form available on the website
  10. conduct statistical analyses
  11. establish, assert or defend against claims
  12. to retain data for archival and evidentiary purposes in order to secure information which can be used to prove facts
  13. Ensure accountability and demonstrate compliance with obligations imposed on me by law, including the creation of records relating to RODO and other legislation

IV. Recipients of personal data

We share your personal data with entities that support our business activities. We have selected third-party entities that guarantee the application of appropriate personal data protection and security measures.

Categories of recipients of your personal data

  1. entities providing technical and IT support, including website hosting, storage of data stored on the server, operation of the newsletter mailing system,
  2. entities providing bookkeeping and tax services, as well as handling the payment system and electronic transactions
  3. providers of social media services, i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn
  4. other contractors or subcontractors, as well as legal entities cooperating with the Administrator, including other lawyers, tax advisors or graphic designers.
  5. These entities are located in the European Economic Area (EEA).

V. Transfer of personal data to a Third State or International Organisation

As a data controller, we do not directly transfer personal data to a third country or international organisation. Nevertheless, due to the use of third parties, in particular international companies, i.e. Facebook Inc., LinkedIn Corporation, Google LLC, UAB Mailerlite may cause your personal data to be transferred to a third country, e.g. the United States of America. The international service providers indicated above apply the compliance mechanisms provided for in the RODO, in particular the standard contractual clauses.

We encourage you to read the provisions of each provider's privacy policies:



Google LLC:

VI. Period of retention of personal data

We will keep your personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, in particular:

Personal data processed in connection with subscribing to the Newsletter
for the duration of the Newsletter or until you withdraw your consent. Please note, however, that once you have withdrawn your consent, your personal data may still be processed for the purpose of establishing, asserting or defending against possible claims in accordance with the limitation period for such claims.

Personal data processed in connection with contacting us
for the period of time necessary for the handling of the request/request and thereafter for the archiving of information in the event of the establishment, investigation or defence of possible claims in accordance with the limitation period of those claims.

Other personal data processed on the basis of consent
until your consent is withdrawn or the purpose of the processing is achieved. However, please note that after withdrawal of consent, your personal data may still be processed for the purpose of establishing, investigating or defending against possible claims in accordance with the limitation period for such claims.

Personal data processed for the purpose of performing a contract or acting on a request
for the period of discussions and negotiations prior to the conclusion of a contract or the performance of a service in relation to the data provided in the enquiry or for the period of the performance of the service and cooperation, as well as the period of limitation of claims under the law.

Personal data processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Controller
until such time as an effective objection is lodged on the basis of Article 21 RODO - in relation to personal data processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Controller, including for direct marketing purposes.

Personal data processed in connection with the performance of the Administrator's legal obligations
for the period required by law, including tax law, in relation to personal data involving the fulfilment of legal obligations.

Personal data processed in connection with the use of social media
including the use of the Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn application functionality - for the duration of the Fanpage or social network account.

Personal data processed for analytical purposes and in connection with the administration of the website
will be processed until it becomes obsolete or out of date, but for no longer than 3 years from the end of the year in which it was collected.

Personal data processed in connection with the establishment, investigation or defence of claims until the expiry of the limitation period
The retention periods indicated in years are counted s at the end of each year in which data processing started. This is intended to streamline data processing and management.

VII. Your entitlements

You have the following rights in relation to the processing of your personal data:

  1. The right to access personal data and to receive a copy
  2. Right to rectification of personal data
  3. Right of erasure
  4. Right to restrict processing of personal data
  5. The right to object to the processing of your personal data where the processing of your data is carried out on the basis of a legitimate interest or for statistical purposes and the objection is justified by your particular situation
  6. Right to data portability
  7. The right to lodge a complaint in relation to the processing of your personal data to the supervisory authority, which is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection
  8. The right to withdraw the consent on the basis of which I process your personal data. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing I have carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent. In some cases, your personal data may not be completely erased and will be retained to defend against possible claims for a period of time in accordance with the law or to comply with legal obligations imposed on the Administrator

Please note that your rights are not absolute and do not apply to all processing of your personal data. In order to exercise your rights, you may contact us as Controller via indicating the scope of your requests.

VIII. Requirement to provide personal data

Your provision of personal data is voluntary, except that failure to provide certain information may entail the impossibility of providing a particular service or achieving a particular purpose. For example, providing personal data is necessary in order to use the contact form available on the website. If you do not wish to use the services or functions available on the website, then you do not need to provide your personal data.

IX. Automated decision-making, including profiling

Your data may be profiled, which helps to better personalise my offer to you. Your data may also be processed by automated means, but this will not have any negative impact on your rights and freedoms. The automation of your data will be carried out on the basis of what is offered by providers of other services, such as a newsletter provider. The purpose of data processing by automated means is for the Administrator to learn the preferences of newsletter recipients and visitors to the and website to target them with interesting content or personalised advertising. You have the right to object to profiling if this could affect your rights and obligations.

X. Cookies

Through the website, log-in information may be collected, i.e. IP address, browser type, language, access times and the address from which the user was redirected (so-called cookies). We use cookies to manage the website and to improve navigation. If you want to know what cookies are, we recommend that you read the information on the website:

We use the following types of cookies on our website:

Necessary cookies - are essential for the use of the website and its functionality, and to ensure the security of your use of the Website and to maintain your session. Without this type of cookie it is not possible to provide you with many of the services we offer. This type of cookie does not collect information for marketing purposes.

Analytical cookies - these cookies collect information about how you use the website, e.g. which sub-pages you visit most often and whether errors occur when you visit them, we may also check traffic sources - redirection directions. This type of cookie does not collect information that identifies you as an individual, but may collect the IP address of the device you are using to access the website. All information collected is anonymous and is only used to improve and enhance the website, to tailor the website's operations to your preferences and to optimise the display of advertisements e.g. to prevent the same advertisement from being displayed multiple times. We may also measure the effectiveness of advertisements.

Advertising cookies - Our cookies and those of third-party providers enable us to tailor content to a specific audience, and are used for marketing and remarketing campaigns. These cookies remember that you have visited our websites and what activities you have performed on them, and the information collected in this way is passed on to third-party providers.

Own cookies - are set by the web servers of our websites.

Third-party cookies - are set by the web servers of sites other than ours.

The scope of the use of cookies is exclusively limited to technical aspects (functionality of the website), statistical purposes and the marketing of own products and services.

Storage period for cookies; Partners

A distinction can be made between "permanent" and "session" cookies based on the storage period.

Persistent" cookies remain in the browser of the device until they are deleted by the user or until a predetermined period of time as specified in the parameters of the cookie.

The "session" cookies remain in your browser until you switch it off or exit, logging out of the website where they were placed. These are primarily essential cookies.

Partners and third parties use cookies for the following purposes: analytical and statistical purposes, measurement of internet traffic, tailoring of advertising messages to specific audiences, measurement of the effectiveness of marketing activities, analysis of online sales activities, provision of advertising services, evidence, analytical and statistical purposes, remarketing, Google Ads, Google Analytics.

Option to disable cookies; remarketing; Google Ads; Google Analytics

The default settings of web browsers usually allow the use and placement of cookies. It is possible to configure the web browser so that a prompt appears before each cookie is placed. The user can also block cookies completely. However, this will involve a complete or partial blocking of the correct operation of the Website.

Remarketing and the Similar Audiences function in AdWords allow you to reach users who have already visited the Website and create a tailored message for them.

When you visit the website for the first time, a message about the use of cookies is displayed, together with a question asking you if you agree to the use of cookies. By clicking on the "Agree" button, you consent to the use of cookies, unless you later decide to disable them.

Please note that you have the option to configure your browser so that it does not store cookies. Unfortunately, this may hinder the proper functioning of the website. You can also use the incognito mode offered by web browsers. In this case, cookies will be deleted as soon as you close your browser. The links below provide information on how to delete cookies in the most popular web browsers:



Internet Explorer:


You can prevent the cookie from collecting data via Google by downloading and installing the plug-in available at:

XI. Tools used

The website uses plug-ins to improve the operation of the website.

Contact form on the website

I use the contact form plug-in. If you wish to contact us via it you will need to provide your name, email address, or telephone number and the subject of the message and the data provided in the body of the message. The personal data in question will be processed by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy in order to contact you. You also need to know that when using the contact form I collect your IP address and your browser signature as an aid to spam detection.

Social media - Fanpage on Facebook, profile on Instagram

Your personal data provided on Fanpage or Instagram will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing Fanpage/Instagram, communicating with you, interacting with you, creating a Fanpage/Instagram community.

The basis for their processing is your consent. You voluntarily choose to like/watch my Fanpage/Instagram. The rules of the Fanpage are set by the Administrator, however the rules of being on the social network Facebook or Instagram result from the regulations of Facebook Inc. You can stop following our Fanpage/Instagram at any time. However, you will not then be shown any content from us as Administrator that is related to the Fanpage/Instagram. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

As an administrator, we see your personal data, such as, for example, your first name, surname or general information, which you post on your profile as public. The processing of other personal data is carried out by the social network Facebook and under the terms of its terms and conditions.

Analytical tools

We use the Statify plug-in to analyse statistics. The plug-in I use does not collect any unnecessary or personal information, nor does it require cookies. The plug-in does not collect IP addresses, as it counts not users, but the number of views. I analyse the statistics in order to continuously update and improve the blog we run.


If you opt in and give your consent we will process your personal data in the form of your name and email address. These fields are mandatory. The provision of this personal data is voluntary but necessary in order to send you the newsletter. In order to add your e-mail address to the subscriber list, we will ask you to confirm your subscription. If you do so, your personal data will be added to the mailing list for sending the newsletter.

Subscribing to our newsletter means that you consent to the sending of marketing and commercial information to you by means of electronic communication within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services, and you also agree to this Privacy Policy.

At the same time, by confirming your subscription to our newsletter, you consent to our use of telecommunications terminal equipment for direct marketing of the Administrator's products and services, as well as the provision of commercial information in accordance with Article 172(1) of the Telecommunications Act.

The above consents are voluntary, but necessary for the dispatch of newsletters, i.e. information about blog posts, interesting products, services, recommended links, events or news offered by the Administrator or third parties recommended by us.

You may withdraw your consent at any time, which will result in the discontinuation of the newsletter as set out in this Privacy Policy.

The mailing system we use to send out newsletters records all activity and actions taken by you in relation to emails sent to you, including the date and time of opening the email, clicking on links provided in the email or newsletter, when you unsubscribe, etc.

We use the service to manage our email marketing subscriber list and to send emails to subscribers. Joint Stock Company is a third party provider that may collect and process your data using industry standard technologies to help me monitor and improve the newsletter. We use cookies, unique identifiers, web beacons and similar tracking technologies in connection with the performance of our services. Joint Stock Company's privacy policy is available at

Blog links

Links to other websites, including affiliate links from partner networks, may appear on the website. These will open in a new browser window or in the same window. As Administrator, we are not responsible for the content provided by these websites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies or terms and conditions of these websites.

Server logs

The use of the website involves sending requests to the server on which the website is hosted. Each query sent to the server is recorded in the server logs, which include, among other things, the public IP address of the computer from which the query was sent, the user name provided during the authorisation process, the time of the query, information about the user's browser, language, access times and the address of the page from which the user was redirected, information about the Internet browser or information system which the user uses. The data referred to above are not associated with specific users of the website, but are used solely as supporting material for administrative purposes. The administrator does not use the server logs in any way to identify the User.

XII. Security of personal data

The controller shall carry out a risk analysis on an ongoing basis to ensure that personal data is processed by the controller in a secure manner - ensuring, in particular, that only authorised persons have access to the data and only to the extent necessary for their tasks. The controller shall ensure that operations on personal data are recorded and carried out only by authorised employees and associates.

The Administrator shall take all necessary measures to ensure that also its subcontractors and other cooperating entities guarantee the application of appropriate security measures whenever they process personal data on behalf of the Administrator.

XIII. Amendments to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is valid as of 1.08. 2024 and is valid until updated. The reason for changes may be due to developments in internet technology, changes in common law or the development of the website. Any changes we make to the Privacy Policy in the future will be published and will only be effective for the future. Information about any change to the Privacy Policy will be made available on the website. We recommend that you always review the Privacy Policy before taking any action on the website.